Eagles and Hawks 2018
Throughout 2018 I was lucky enough to spot a number of bald eagles (with the occasional tip from other local birders). I'm kind of a sucker for raptors in general, so I'm also including photos of the ubiquitous red-tailed hawk along with my first sighting of a Cooper's Hawk. All photos were taken in Croton on Hudson, NY. Most of them during long runs when I happily had my light point-and-shoot 24x optical zoom camera with me.
Today one of my local red-tailed hawks flew right by my kitchen window, but sadly I had dishes in hand and not my camera ready to shoot. So while most of these photos are zoomed in and might feel like you're close (check out those talons! oof) today I (ever so briefly) was only a few feet from one. So that was pretty cool.
If you see eagles in the area, feel free to send me a DM on twitter @pdwetz. Or email/text, if you actually know me.