I stared at the empty page before me. An idle cursor blinked periodically. I wondered where the mouse pointer was and gently shook the device. It was out of the way. I thought about typing. I realized I had no water, so I got up and got a glass of water.
I saw some dirty dishes on the counter and started to run hot water, as it takes a bit for it to heat up in my apartment. I noticed some dirt on the floor and swept the kitchen. I filled up the sink with hot water, dish soap, dirty plates and silverware. I thought a good soak was in order.
I went back to my office and sat at the computer. I had forgotten something. Water. I went back to the kitchen and retrieved the glass of water.
I instinctively brought up my web browser and hit up a news site. Time passed. I felt like I was drifting and needed some caffeine, so I went back to the kitchen and made coffee. I remembered the soaking dishes and washed them.
I went back to my office and sat at the computer. I had forgotten something. Coffee. I went back to the kitchen and filled up a mug along with a little milk.
I brought up a sports site. Time passed. I felt like I needed to use the rest room. While washing my hands I noticed I needed to shave, so I did that. I brushed my hair for good measure.
I sat in my office chair and brought up twitter, scrolling through a feed mixed with news, music, sports, politics, gaming, and technology. Time passed. I felt a little hot and brought up a weather site. The weather was favorable, so I went around the apartment and opened up all the windows, putting a box fan in one to help circulate fresh air.
I noticed dust on my speakers in the living room, so I began dusting the apartment. Once that was done, I figured a quick vacuuming was in order for the little carpet I had in the place.
I sat at my computer and noticed the date. I made a mental note to pay the rent while I opened up my writing app and started to type.