Vivid Dream


Vivid dream

of untold memories

Feeling more true

Than the live reality

Running through the night

stumbling through the day

eyes shifting from front to back

never sure of what to say

When the air turns cool

I sleep so peacefully

My mind seems to settle down

To wake is to lose it

When she's cold

I can't sleep at all

Mind racing

thoughts chasing

leaping from an unknown height

bracing for an uncertain fall

It's almost real

it could have happened

these feelings I feel

should have mattered

Why should it all go away

aside from a lingering what if

Why is my heart leading me

to yet another cliff

Maybe it was a look

it could have been her smile

But it all could have been

some strange sort of denial

I awake to something lost

just beyond my reach

I can't quite put my finger on it

but it will still be sorely missed