Whatever did she mean to me
Dancing down a slippery slope
Why walk when you can run
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about
Why try to get to heaven
going to hell is so much fun
She may have laughed at me
It certainly wasn't with me
In the darkness I couldn't place her voice
Up close her face looked just like another
Whatever did she mean to me
The other lit a fire in me
Not speaking only of desire
I never saw her cry
She was tough as nails
To see her in a dress
she thought was weakness
even if the sight made my voice catch
and gave me weak knees
We never said goodbye
Perhaps I'll see her again
Time flies on past
Memories are not lost
so long as they last
A look of longing
any sense of will power
traded for a sense of belonging
Lips locked and then departed
Hearts beating in time
To wonder what might have been
as natural as looking within
Without any answers
No time like the present
To wonder what happened in the past
while gazing at the hazy future
Laughing at the angels of delight
ignoring the devils in the details
Falling prey to a cooling moonlight
setting sights on those things
that sometimes cause a fright
Love or to leave
and the panic they bring
before the heart or the mind
take to flight.